The Sun newspaper is a tabloid newspaper which is aimed towards a working class audience, about 54% of which are male and 44% of which are female. The Sun newspaper is known to be the second highest circulating newspaper in the country, standing at an average of 2,986,000 copies a day.
Surprisingly, the front page of this Sun newspaper uses dominant reading, as the creator intends to grab the main audience's attention, by using a glamorous woman to represent the article itself.Interestingly, there is a popular myth that women with blond haired model are generally unintelligent, the auidence could therefore signify that the woman might have large breasts, and could connotate sexual desires and erotic fantasies. On the contrary, other audiences may object this and may be categorised as oppositional reading, as they may believe that the use of a glamorous woman may be sexist or intimidating to women and could be polysemic , as it could also have sexual, erotic connotations. However, there may be negotiated readings, as the creators may intend to use the woman to gather the audience's attention, but could also be criticised for using women as sex objects and could have various opinions from other audiences.
Through the use of the bold headline, the audience's attention is immediately grabbed, as it mentions football and bold fonts are used could represent this. The use of anchorage could connotate that the image relates to the targeted audience who are men, as the woman could be seen as erotic and could cause some pleasure towards the audience, as women and football seem to be men's interests, and so, by combining them the audience could be interested.
Through the use of the caption, the audience are informed of the article, as the image mentions the word 'GOAL' which could imply that the article is aimed at football. Also,the strap line talks about football and could therefore be linked as it is talking abou the World Cup and matters which interest the target audience.
Generally, the article aimes to use larger fonts, as the audience's attention is grabbed and could shock audiences into news that they might find interesting.Similarly, the use of colour could also be eye catching to audiences and could be bold and defined, as the images might be influential or directly linked to the subject matter, which in this front page is about football and the world cup, which aims toward a male audience.Interestingly, the front page uses framing in interesting ways, as a woman is used to represent the article and is inteneded to make a statement to the audience, as a prop is used ( a banner) which connotes football and representation of football. As well as framing, the front page uses composition, as the straplines are organised in the corners and the headlines are in bold. Also, the page is composed, so that the main atention is aimed towards the woman and the banner which says 'GOAL'.
Through the uses of various shots, the front page aims to grasp the audience's focus. There is use of medium shots , as the main emphasis is on the woman , and by have been shot, so that the audience could see desirable parts of her body such as her face, legs and other areas which enduce pleasure from the audience. There is also use of lighting, which is aimed at her body, suc as her face and legs, which could signify that the audience tend to attracted to her complexion and may find this pleasurable. Remarkably, the use of pose is evident, as the model is in a sexy, sophisticated pose which could show that she might be 'seducing the audience' and a sense of erotic feeling might be shown towards the audience, as it could connotate sex, seduction.
Interestingly, the headline could be polysemic 'HERE WE GOAL', as it could signify some sexual conntotations and could be advocating sex and lust and 'pulling a woman for sex'. The use of verbal techniques could imply that there is sexual conntations, as 'Here We Go' could be an invitation for sex or some degree of pleasure.